Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (2024)

Written by Kari Dahlgren
Last updated on:
25 sources cited

Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (1)

Discovering your unique psychological blocks to weight loss is far more effective than dieting, which only keeps you stuck at the surface level of food. If you want to lose weight but all your past attempts have led to “weight cycling” — losing weight only to regain it later — you may find relief by turning your attention inward.

There’s a good chance that you already know what good food and exercise entails. Self-sabotage does not usually happen due to lack of knowledge. Rather, self-sabotage around weight loss often happens because there’s a psychological block standing in the way — out of sight but not out of mind.

If you’re new, allow me to briefly introduce myself: My name is Kari, and I’m both a recovered compulsive eater and an eating psychology coach. I’ve spent almost a decade of my career as a medical writer, so I know my way around clinical literature, and I’ve spent 7+ years coaching others through their relationship with food — entirely through psychological and spiritual practices, not dieting.

The psychology of weight loss goes deep, and we’re about to peel back layer after layer. While this post was originally written in 2018, I continuously update it to contain the latest clinical evidence. I hope the compelling research here inspires you to ditch diet culture in favor of fostering a better relationship with food and yourself.

Find your hidden strength:Even if you struggle with weight loss, we all have a strength around food — and I bet I can guess yours.Click here to take my quiz to discover your eating psychology STRENGTH.

The Psychology of Weight Loss: Understand Your Motivations

Let’s compare weight loss to the proverbial iceberg. What you see first is all about diet and exercise, but that’s only the tip. Just like an iceberg, the true bulk lies hidden beneath.

The massive, unseen portion of the iceberg is your psychology — the intricate workings of your mind and how these internal processes profoundly influence your behavior. For many of us, the psychological blocks to weight loss often go sight unseen.

Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (2)

To understand the psychological factors that trigger compulsive eating, let’s look at the very definition of compulsion: an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way, especially against one’s conscious wishes. Compulsion goes hand-in-hand with self-sabotage. It involves yearning for a specific goal but compulsively doing the opposite.

Have you ever been there? Wanting so badly to lose weight and then somehow finding yourself standing in front of the fridge at midnight? I’ve been there many times, and dieting never helped. It was understanding the psychology of overeating that finally helped me get off the yo-yo dieting merry-go-round and make peace with food.

When you begin to understand the motivations behind your actions, especially around food, you develop a new awareness, much like finally catching a glimpse of the iceberg beneath the water’s surface. You cannot heal what you cannot see, and delving into the psychological blocks to weight loss is a great step towards change.

Mastering the Psychology of Weight Loss: 7 Evidence-Based Barriers to Overcome

While I place an emphasis on weight loss psychology, that’s not to say that food doesn’t have its place. It truly is the tip of the iceberg, which means it plays a role — it’s just not the main act. Food deserves consideration so long as it’s accompanied by the inner work of addressing your psychology.

Below, you’ll discover some of the most common psychological blocks to weight loss. Some of them involve the biological aspect of food, but always in the context of how it impacts your psychology.

1. Dieting Is Actually Linked to Long-Term Weight Gain, Not Weight Loss

Short story: Humans are biologically and psychologically wired to rebel against diets.

If you’ve been trying to eat less in order to lose weight, it’s an uphill battle and arguably an unwinnable battle too. An abundance of clinical evidence shows that dieting is linked to long-term weight gain, not weight loss.[1], [2], [3] While this is frustrating, I hope it provides some peace of mind that you’re not broken.

When you restrict your food intake, your metabolism slows down, which means that you burn less calories.[4] This is called adaptive thermogenesis, and it’s one of many ways that your body defends its set point weight (i.e. the weight range your body naturally gravitates to).[5]

When your metabolism slows, you need to eat less in order to maintain your current weight. If you do overeat, your body is even more likely to store that excess energy as fat.[6]

The bottom line: dieting doesn’t work. It works in the short-term, but in the long-term, your biology works hard to ensure that weight remains stable; and if it can’t stabilize your weight, then your body will deploy biological mechanisms to increase your set point weight.[7]

2. Making Foods Off-Limits Makes You Want Them More

Short story: The “forbidden fruit” effect means we want what we can’t have.

Dieting doesn’t just fail at a biological level — it also affects your psychology too. There’s a “forbidden fruit” effect where, once we place certain foods off-limits, we actually want them more.

When researchers asked a group of people to eat normally but keep chocolate off-limits, the chocolate-lovers in the group found themselves craving chocolate even more than before.[8]

Have you ever experienced this yourself? After vowing to eat less carbs and sugar, you somehow end up ordering Italian take-out and eating the entire entrée — plus dessert? It’s not just you. Studies show that restricting certain foods not only increases preoccupation with them, but it also increases the chances of binge eating too.[9], [10]

Many people are scared to let go of the food rules because it feels like the only thing keeping their eating under control. While I hope to address this fear throughout the rest of this article, know that an abundance of clinical evidence shows that the more we restrict certain foods, the more we want those foods.[11], [12] You’re better off giving yourself permission to eat the foods you love and enjoy!

3. High-Carb, High-Fat Foods Trigger “Hedonic Eating”

Short story: If you find yourself reaching for indulgent foods, your brain might be wired to crave “hedonic foods.”

Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (3)

We can’t talk about weight loss psychology without discussing food because some have a significant impact on the brain, the very home of your psychology. Hyperpalatable foods in particular — those high in fat, salt, carbs, or sugar — activate the brain’s reward centers and increase the desire for these foods.[13], [14]

This is known as “hedonic eating:” a drive to eat pleasurable food for reasons other than hunger (i.e. because they taste good). Do you ever find yourself eating sweets and then craving sweets even more during the following days? I used to, and the brain’s response to hedonic food is part of the reason why.

However, I encourage you to give yourself more credit in this context too. Although hedonic foods are addicting,[15] I believe the average compulsive eater already has enough willpower to choose to stop eating these foods once you’re full.

Imagine what would happen if you took all the willpower currently channeled towards your diet and redirected it towards your psychology instead? Once you get the psychological blocks to weight loss out of the way, it’s likely that you can have some sweets and stop. I used to think that was a far-fetched fantasy, but I finally got there by giving up dieting and focusing on psychology instead.

4. Stress Creates a Proneness for Weight Gain

Short story: It is extremely difficult to lose weight under stress, and dieting does not help.

Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (4)

Slightly longer story: Dive even deeper into the psychological blocks to weight loss in my free ebook, The Spiritual Seeker’s Guide to Stop Binge Eating.

Work, finances, and relationships are the most common sources of stress. However, dieting is a hidden source of stress. Studies have found that the act of counting calories — just counting calories, not restricting calories — increases cortisol and stress.[16] This is another reason why dieting is one of the biggest psychological blocks to weight loss.

Stress increases your desire for hyperpalatable foods like chips, sweets, and baked goods.[17] Many of us are all too familiar with “stress eating,” where we reach for our favorite comfort foods for, well, comfort! Unfortunately, the stress hormone cortisol is linked to weight gain.[18] If your clothes tend to fit tighter during stressful times, biology is partly to blame.

One of my favorite mantras is relax and eat what you want to eat. Relaxation gets you much farther than stress, and eating the foods that appeal to you often results in eating less than before.[9], [10] This demonstrates the importance of the psychology of weight loss. Both your mindset and the foods you eat make a difference.

5. “Emotional Tolerance” Is the Best Psychological Skill for Reaching Your Natural Weight

Short story: When you develop tolerance for discomfort — a skill I like to call emotional tolerance — you naturally ease the tendency to overeat.

Speaking of mindset, some argue that it’s important to reduce negative emotion to stop overeating. After all, some studies have linked substantial weight loss with reduced anxiety and depression.[19] When we don’t have the right skills to cope with unwanted emotions, it can lead to overeating; and trapped emotions that go unexpressed can lead to weight gain.

But in terms of goal setting, I think it’s better to set your sights on managing anxiety and depression, not reducing it. What we resist persists, and this especially applies to emotion.[20] We need to focus on working with negative emotion, not getting rid of it completely; because if we can’t effectively reduce discomfort, we begin to resist it, and then it only grows stronger and drives compulsive eating.

Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (5)

The Stop, Drop, & Feel is my trademarked tool for “feeling your feelings” to develop tolerance for your discomfort — a skill I like to call emotional tolerance. This tool asks you to train in sitting still with the edgy emotions that push you to eat without hunger. When you become more resilient to discomfort, there’s a reduced desire to buffer with food.

“Feeling your feelings” is the spiritual lynchpin of my approach to stopping compulsive eating, Psycho-Spiritual Wellness.By training in feeling your feelings, you directly address some of the biggest psychological blocks to weight loss like resistance to being uncomfortable and low tolerance for discomfort.

That said, the psychology of weight loss also goes beyond this because often times, it’s not about our own feelings, but about the feelings of others as well.

6. A Need for Connection Can Actually Become a Psychological Block to Weight Loss

Short story: Some people lose friendships when they lose weight, and some don't. Don't stress over it; simply be aware of it.

Many of us are inclined to eat past fullness if it makes our loved ones happy. Clinical studies have even proven this: people are more likely to indulge in high-calorie treats if it means invoking positive feelings in others.[21] Formally, this is known as the “social facilitation of eating.”[22] Informally, this is people pleasing.

People pleasing can be a sneaky psychological block to weight loss because, although many of us wish we could stop being people pleasers, the way it triggers overeating is subconscious, which is the very essence of self-sabotage. For example, if you tend to vent to your friends about feeling bloated and puffy — and you feel connected through commiseration — you might risk losing some connections if you lose weight.

Humans are social creatures, and we are wired to for connection. Therefore, if the struggle with weight loss forms a foundation for any of your friendships, the fear of losing those connections or a fear of feeling lonely can subconsciously block your weight loss efforts.

However, if you lose friends just because you lose weight, it’s a sign that you deserve better connections. Never dim your shine for anyone. While this is easier said than done, developing emotional tolerance can help you navigate the vulnerability that often surrounds these psychological blocks to weight loss.

7. Limiting Beliefs Fuel Self-Sabotage Around Food

Short story: The subconscious blocks to weight loss are unique to everyone, and you can discover yours through self-inquiry.

From both my personal experience overcoming compulsive eating and coaching others through the same, here’s what I believe triggers self-sabotage around food: Subconsciously getting a greater benefit from struggling with weight loss than the perceived benefit of losing weight.

It may sound preposterous at first, so allow me to gently repeat: Self-sabotage happens when you subconsciously get a greater benefit from overeating than the perceived benefit of losing weight.

Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (6)

I know from personal experience how preposterous it sounds to be getting any kind of benefit from the weight struggle. Trust me, I get it! That’s why I made the video above to further explain this common psychological block.

What could be some of the so-called benefits that might be standing in your way? All you need is a pen and paper. As Joan Didion once said,“I don’t know what I think until I write it down.”

My workbook on stopping self-sabotage,Why We Do the Things We Do,provides the perfect prompts for unpacking your relationship with food. Through juicy self-inquiry, you’ll dig up all the limiting beliefs that might be fueling your unique psychological blocks to weight loss.

Tips for Mastering the Psychology of Weight Loss

Now that you know some of the subconscious blocks standing in the way of weight loss, let’s take action. After all, awareness is the first step towards change, but awareness without action does not help us reach our goals.

Here are some steps you can take to address the psychological blocks to weight loss:

  • Ditch the food rules and eat intuitively: While dieting is linked with long-term weight gain instead of weight loss, intuitive eating is linked with better body satisfaction, reduced depression, improved metabolic fitness, and weight maintenance.[23] Doesn’t that sound much better than restricting the foods you love and constantly weight cycling?
  • Read up on set point weight theory: If you really, truly do not want to “settle” for weight maintenance (despite all the psychological benefits of intuitive eating) and prefer weight loss, giving up dieting is still your best bet. Plenty of clinical evidence shows that dieting encourages your body to settle upon a higher natural weight, not a lower weight.[24]
  • Discover joy beyond food: One of the best ways to stop hedonic eating is to find joy outside of food. Explore different hobbies and forms of self-care to nourish yourself without relying on food.
  • Manage stress with progressive muscle relaxation: This involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups to reduce stress and improve sleep. Doing progressive muscle relaxation therapy for a little over a week was found to reduce night eating tendencies,[25] demonstrating the importance of stress management in weight loss psychology.
  • Use the anytime you want to overeat: This tool is the bread and butter of my approach to stopping compulsive eating. With this tool alone, you can overcome many of the psychological blocks to weight loss that are related to unwanted emotion and resistance to discomfort.
  • Harness the power of workbooks to stop self-sabotage: Once you let go of the food rules and learn to manage your emotions, the next step is to address the limiting beliefs that drive self-sabotage around food.

Once you become aware of your limiting beliefs, you can let them go. But you cannot heal what you cannot see. My workbook on stopping self-sabotage, Why We Do the Things We Do, quickly shows you how deep the psychology of weight loss goes. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be surprised by what comes up!

Finding Your Motivation with the Psychology of Weight Loss

The psychological blocks to weight loss take time to unravel. Be gentle with yourself during the process. Also, if you’ve made it this far, I think you’ll likePsycho-Spiritual Wellness– my method for stopping compulsive eating rooted purely inpsychologyandspiritualityinstead of dieting.

To learn more, check out the free ebook below, which includes a free 5-day course in my philosophy to help you apply these concepts and put them intoaction.

Keep It Going: Get The Spiritual Seeker's Guide to Stop Binge Eating (Free Ebook)

Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (9)
Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (10)

Free 13-page ebook: Keep your momentum going by downloading my free ebook, The Spiritual Seeker’s Guide to Stop Binge Eating. It’s not just junk to get into your inbox, I promise. Sign up and see for yourself. You can unsubscribe anytime.

5 day email course — also free: You’ll also receive a 5-day email course in Psycho-Spiritual Wellness, my unique approach to stopping compulsive eating, enriching your journey with more practical tips.

Sign up below: Enter your email below to dive deep into this wiggy world where eating psychology and spirituality collide:

You're On a Roll: Take the Eating Psychology QUIZ!

Even if you struggle with overeating, I bet I can guess your strength around food.

You're Really on a Roll: Let's Put an End to Self-Sabotage

Ready to dive even deeper into your journey of self-discovery? I proudly present my most celebrated workbook, Why We Do the Things We Do. This 75-page digital workbook reveals your unique psychological blocks to compulsive eating. By actually putting pen to paper, you’ll be surprised by what comes up.

Some say ‘feel it to heal it’ but this workbook takes it a step deeper and helps you ‘see it to heal it.’ If you’re the kind of person who logically knows how to live a healthy lifestyle but you compulsively do the opposite, this workbook will illuminate what’s standing in the way. Then, you know exactly where to focus your energy.

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I read and reply to every single one! Just like I do with my emails. Since I don’t use much social media (outside of Pinterest and YouTube), I very much enjoy this opportunity to hear your thoughts and connect ✨

34 thoughts on "The Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (According to Clinical Evidence)"

  1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (13)


    Great tips! A TON of reflection. Ouch! Very insightful. Thx for sharing. 🙂


  2. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (14)


    I just finished writing 3 bullets in my journal: things to do once I’m skinny????, things that bring me joy outside of food, and my tracker of food & feelings for the day! Thank U! Now, I’m #teamtired but I’m gtb realizing a MAJOR step I made today in the psychology of eating!????


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (15)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      OMG you are adorable! I am so happy that you actually did the Food Feelings journal. A lot of people hear that advice and barely anyone actually DOES it, so good for you!!! You’re totally ready for change 🙂 that’s exciting.


  3. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (16)


    Have just put step one into motion and ordered a copy of why weight off of eBay. Really like your post will refer back to it later Thankyou 🙂


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (17)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Woo hooo!!! Awesome!!! I hope that book changes you life the way it did mine 🙂


    2. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (18)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Kudos to you for getting the book!


  4. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (19)


    Really enjoyed your article and could not agree more. It’s refreshing when you read something written by someone who understands. The “foodie” part really hit home with me. I find WAY too much joy in food and eating. I will look into your suggestions and hope to see changes in the future.


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (20)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Best of luck Natasha!


  5. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (21)


    Wow. I now see losing weight through completely different eyes. Even though I´ve been telling myself not to, I´ve always counted my calories or focused on the number on that scale. The thought of not being allowed to eat or do things has always surrounded me. But not once did it occur to me that it is my mind that needs to be changed. Thank you so much.


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (22)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Oh Maxi, what a wonderful epiphany to have!! Diet culture does us no favors by ONLY ever talking about the surface level of food!


  6. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (23)


    Giving up being a foodie out going to be a rough ride!


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (24)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Ohhh but you don’t need to give up being a foodie for any of this to work. In fact, enjoying delicious food is highly encouraged!


  7. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (25)

    Lekeisha Burfordsays:

    Thank you for this delightful article I have been really struggling with what has been stopping me from losing weight and getting healthy it’s nice to know someone has thoughts about this dieting thing !!


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (26)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Dieting ohhhh dieting. It kept me distracted and preoccupied for years and years. As many people here can relate, I’m sure! Glad I could help 🙂


  8. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (27)


    This post makes me want to try it! Im going to order the work book! Although I feel that it will be hard for me to not think in a diet mentality, I will do my best!


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (28)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Thanks Madison! I have no doubt that you will have a breakthrough once you put pen to paper. I could not believe the words that came out of my mouth (or rather, what came onto my paper) once I started writing in it myself. It is crazy how the conscious mind blocks out so much. Good luck, and let me know what you think!


  9. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (29)


    So here is my first share. I am 58 years old and being overweight my whole life has completely ruined my life. I have been waiting to get thin in order to start living. So, I will be ordering this book and committing to do the 15 steps outlined in this article. Thanks for all of the wonderful information.


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (30)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Oh Beverly, this is a beautiful epiphany. I am sure there are many people who can relate to waiting until thinness to start living, myself included! I commend your commitment to start now!


  10. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (31)


    WOW! I’m in shock and awe! I’m in shock because I’ve been on a diet (or bingeing while planning my next diet) for 30 years and it never freaking occurred to me that I didn’t have to be! I’ve gained 75lbs over the course of all those years and after many different diets and finally, after reading many of your posts and your e-book, I’m done! I’m free! I’m relieved! I’m excited!
    I’ve read and studied countless books, articles, blogs and testimonials that never quite hit the nail on the head so I’m in awe at the way you’ve written and presented this information and that it has struck a chord within my soul. WOW! Thank you and thank you and thank you for your insight and sharing this invaluable perspective–it has changed me already and I can’t stop reading!!


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (32)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Wow Gena, thank you for the most amazing compliment EVER. I am so glad that I could help you on this journey. It means a lot to me. I felt just as relieved as you once I realized that dieting wasn’t the answer. Cheers to freedom from diet culture!


  11. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (33)


    This is the most valuable blog post I’ve read in a few years. I even saved it so I can read it again when I need inspiration. Thank you so much for encapsulating this in one clear, easy to read and understand place. I ordered Why Weight (I already love Geneen) and plan to take my growth in this area to a new level.


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (34)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Thanks so much Tristan! I am so excited for you to do the workbook!!


  12. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (35)


    Is there an audible book you can recommend on weight loss through psychology.
    Thank you for this post. This is me to a T.
    Thank you so much


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (36)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Perhaps you can find one of the books in audible format from my list of weight loss psychology books:


  13. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (37)


    Ordering the book now!!! I am 64 and have been fighting my weight on and off since I was 10. No more dieting. Ready to move forward!!! Thank you for giving me the first steps.


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (38)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Love the commitment Teresa!!!


  14. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (39)

    Anisur Rahman Redoysays:

    Hope finally get some clear concept what should need to be done. Thanks by the way.


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (40)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Thanks for the comment Anisur 🙂


  15. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (41)


    Very interesting. After the type 2 diagnosis, I lost about 50 pounds by really watching my carbs. Then I got good numbers, lost my sense of smell a year ago and started working from home six months ago. The weight is back. I am really going to study this to see if I can change my mindset.


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (42)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      I am sorry to hear what you’ve been going through Melodie. Losing your sense of smell sounds very tough, especially if you like food! I hope these steps are able to help with your ability to enjoy the other aspects of food, like feeling nourished and eating until comfortable fullness.


  16. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (43)

    Mary Nichollsays:

    OMG you just made me realise that I am a foodie, but also that I spent so many years wanting vindictive revenge for all the things my mom said to me, not just as a child but as an adult too.
    One thing I have noticed when I’ve managed to lose the weight, is that those who are thinner, suddenly start telling me I’ve lost too much weight, it’s like they’re scared that you’ll look good and they sabotage your efforts and make you feel bad about yourself. Sure fire way to get someone to eat is to make them feel bad about themselves.


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (44)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      Hi Mary! You really hit the nail on the head with this one. I hear things like this A LOT. People seem to try and bring others down when they begin to shine really bright. And the best thing we can do for ourselves is continue to shine no matter how uncomfortable it makes someone else. Keep shining!!!


  17. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (45)


    Seriously woman. Searching for depth scrolling through Pinterest. I can’t wait to dive in now that I’ve found THE REASONS I’ve been stuck. Thank you a million. Already.


    1. Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (46)

      Kari Dahlgrensays:

      LOL! I was almost tempted to shorten this because it’s so long, but now I won’t! Thanks Shannon 🙂


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Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset (2024)


Psychology of Weight Loss: How to Master Your Mindset? ›

Self-awareness is the key to changing your mindset. You need to understand why you gained weight in the first place and identify the triggers that cause you to overeat or make unhealthy choices. By being aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, you can make conscious decisions to change them.

How do I break my mental barrier to lose weight? ›

How to approach weight loss
  1. Create SMART goals. A popular and effective behavioural technique for losing weight is goal setting. ...
  2. Make behavioural changes. Healthy weight loss involves making long-lasting modifications to your mindset and behaviours. ...
  3. Plan your meals. ...
  4. Move your body. ...
  5. Link up with a supportive community.
Aug 6, 2024

How can I be mentally strong enough to lose weight? ›

Set Small Goals.

Make a list of smaller goals that will help you achieve your weight loss goals. These mini-goals should be things that will improve your lifestyle without wreaking havoc in your life, such as: Eating more fruits and vegetables every day.

How do I change my mindset to lose weight? ›

How to reset your dieting mindset
  1. Don't tell yourself certain foods are “bad.” Focus on how a food makes your body feel, not on whether it fits in with the current diet fad. ...
  2. Don't subtract from your eating — add to it. ...
  3. Limit your negative self-talk.
Dec 30, 2021

How do you mentally discipline yourself to lose weight? ›

This article discusses 16 ways to motivate yourself to lose weight.
  1. Determine Why You Want to Lose Weight. ...
  2. Have Realistic Expectations. ...
  3. Focus on Process Goals. ...
  4. Pick a Plan That Fits Your Lifestyle. ...
  5. Keep a Weight Loss Journal. ...
  6. Celebrate Your Successes. ...
  7. Find Social Support. ...
  8. Make a Commitment.
Apr 18, 2023

How do you release trauma to lose weight? ›

How To Heal
  1. See a therapist. ...
  2. Seek out resources and support. ...
  3. Work on curbing emotional eating. ...
  4. Make strides to overcome the abuse or traumatic event. ...
  5. Learn to express your emotions in a healthy way. ...
  6. For in-the-moment relief, try simple self-soothing strategies.
Sep 3, 2009

What can sabotage weight loss psychology? ›

Most often, it is due to a lack of self-esteem, self-confidence, self-worth, and/or self-belief. Negative thoughts about yourself and your ability to lose weight can undermine your weight loss efforts.

How do I stay mentally motivated to lose weight? ›

How to stay motivated when losing weight
  1. Identify your goals. ...
  2. Remember why you want to lose weight. ...
  3. Log your progress in a journal. ...
  4. Celebrate each and every success. ...
  5. Get support from others. ...
  6. If you slip up, don't let it get you down. ...
  7. Spice up your workout plan. ...
  8. Explore new healthy meals.

Why is losing weight so mentally hard? ›

Dr. Nadkarni reports that depression and other deep, emotional connections or conditioned responses to stress, fear, comfort or control can also make weight loss difficult.

What is the psychology behind weight loss? ›

Healthy weight loss involves making long-lasting modifications to your mindset and behaviours. Some of these behavioural changes include: Getting to the root of behaviours and reasons behind unhealthy eating habits, as well as addressing them. Developing coping skills that don't revolve around food.

How can I reprogram my subconscious mind to lose weight? ›

If you want to train your sub-conscious mind to lose weight, you need to generate the feeling of having a slim body in the present moment. You need to visualise a scene in your mind's eye and most importantly, feel the emotions that are associated to that scene.

How can I rewire my brain to lose weight? ›

The process of changing your brain to support your weight loss efforts entails de-stressing the overactive limbic system and creating new neural pathways. This involves interrupting destructive thoughts, beliefs, and habits and replacing them with healthier, more functional neural pathways.

How do I stop overthinking weight loss? ›

A great way to start is to ask yourself a few questions before eating something during the day. Positive Psychology says mindful eating questions can be "who, what, when, where, and why." By answering these questions each time we want to eat, we can better understand our eating patterns and make positive diet changes.

How to psych yourself up to lose weight? ›

Here are eleven ways to change your outlook and help you lose weight healthily.
  1. Revisit what you know about weight loss. ...
  2. Steer clear of opaque food containers. ...
  3. Ditch dieting. ...
  4. Trick your stomach into feeling full. ...
  5. Think of exercise as a fun activity. ...
  6. Understand what causes obesity.
Jun 22, 2018

How do I get into the right mental state to lose weight? ›

Taking action to prevent overeating
  1. Learning how to eat more slowly and notice when you are full.
  2. Setting realistic weight-loss goals.
  3. Using small rewards to motivate yourself.
  4. Learning about nutrition. ...
  5. Being more active. ...
  6. Getting social support. ...
  7. Learning how to think more positively.
  8. Reducing stress.

How do you overcome psychological blocks to lose weight? ›

Addressing the root cause can naturally reduce instances of emotional eating. If the root cause cannot be established or treated, you can try to overcome this behavior by adopting a different, healthy coping strategy, for example, deep breathing techniques, exercise, or engaging in a distracting activity.

Why do I mentally struggle to lose weight? ›

Dr. Nadkarni reports that depression and other deep, emotional connections or conditioned responses to stress, fear, comfort or control can also make weight loss difficult.

What are the mental barriers to weight loss? ›

Key mental obstacles on the weight loss path include self-doubt, fear of failure, and setting unrealistic goals. These barriers can be formidable, but with self-awareness and the right support, they can be dismantled.

How do you overcome barriers to weight loss? ›

Barrier Buster: It takes just a few minutes a day!
  1. Be active with a pet or the kids.
  2. Block off activity time in your schedule.
  3. Borrow some time that you usually spend watching TV.
  4. You are too important not to take time to exercise—it is your life!

Can your mind prevent you from losing weight? ›

Stress can also lead to weight gain or impede weight loss efforts. If you find yourself gaining weight despite eating healthy foods and exercising, stress may be the culprit. The dangers of stress have sparked a conversation about reducing stress and pursuing more balanced lifestyles to avoid long-term impacts.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.