WeightWatchers is a byword for dieting success - so why, this week, has it completely changed its approach? (2024)

For most of the past ten years, Sue Tinley has been a couple of dress sizes larger than she would like, despite doggedly following on-off diets.

Like so many of us, the 50-year old health adviser would regularly shed half a stone or more by the old-fashioned calorie-counting method, only to find it all creeping back on again as she struggled to eat so little food.


But today she’s gone from a size 20 to a 14 in just four months thanks to a revolutionary new Weight Watchers diet — the ProPoints plan — without counting a single calorie or suffering any hunger pangs.

‘Before, losing weight seemed to be all about depriving myself,’ she says today. ‘But with this diet, I lost 5½lb in the first week without even feeling like I was on a diet. I didn’t have to deny myself at all and went from being 13st 3lb to 11st 6lb in just 16 weeks.

'The best bit is that I’ve now got a totally different attitude to life — I am so much more positive,’ says the married mother-of-four, from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, who is married to Peter, a 49-year-old electrical engineer. ‘I think to myself: “If I can do this, what else could I achieve?” ’

The ProPoints plan is a radical new ­venture for WeightWatchers. Its original Points system, launched in 1995, assigned each dieter a certain number of points they were allowed to eat each day, which corresponded to the amount of calories and saturated fat in each food. Nothing was forbidden (chocolate, fruit, carbohydrates), as long as you never exceeded your daily points allowance.

Its simplicity made it one of the most famous weight-loss plans in the world and helped two million ­Britons a year to slim successfully. But now, the company’s dieticians say science has moved on.

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Recent research has revealed that successful slimming is not simply about counting calories, but about how quickly your body processes different nutrients — and which healthy foods help us to stay feeling satisfied for longer.

For example, did you know that your body can burn up to 25 per cent more energy digesting proteins and fibre-rich foods such as wholemeal carbohydrates and vegetables than it can processing ­sugars and fats with the same nominal calorie value?

So while under the old system a ­chocolate bar and a steak might have had the same points value because they had the same amount of calories, under the new ProPoints system your steak would have fewer points because your body uses up so much more energy processing it.

In other words, the better the food is for you, the more energy your body can burn digesting it and the more of it you caneat.

It really is that simple, and, insists WeightWatchers’ dietician Zoe Hellman, this new weight loss plan will make shedding pounds — and keeping them off — easier than ever.

The diet also encourages you to eat foods such as lean proteins, wholemeal bread and fruit and vegetables, which help us to feel fuller for longer — vital for helping you to stick to a plan.

But the best thing of all is that along with your daily allowance of around 29 ProPoints food values, you get an extra weekly allowance of 49 for treats which you can save up for a big blow-out or simply use throughout the week.


Incredibly, most people lose 8‑10lb in the first month of the ProPoints system, which has already been tested on hundreds of thousands of women all over the world, as well as undergoing two independent clinical ­trials. And this makes it perfect for everyone who wants to drop a dress size in time for Christmas.

The difference between the old WeightWatchers Points system and the new ProPoints scheme can be illustrated by comparing two breakfasts, both 300 calories.

The first, a cooked breakfast — with one slice of wholemeal toast with low-fat spread and a serving of tomato ketchup, a poached egg and two rashers of grilled, lean bacon — has a value of 8 under the new ProPoints system.

The second breakfast — an ­English muffin with butter and jam — carries 9 ProPoints.

Under the old system they both would have had a points value of 5½. But under the new one, ­dieters are encouraged to try the cooked breakfast because although it is undoubtedly a much more ­substantial meal, it is also the ­better weight-loss choice.

As Zoe explains: ‘The 300 calories in the cooked breakfast come predominantly from protein, whereas the 300 in the English muffin come from carbohydrates which are not rich in fibre.

‘As it takes the body more energy to process and digest protein, this is lower in ProPoints value. In addition, the cooked breakfast will keep you feeling full for much longer.’

A major innovation in the new WeightWatchers system is a weekly allowance of 49 extra ProPoints for treats,which you can use however you want.


‘Soyou could easily go out for a meal in a restaurant with several glassesof wine, have a guilt-free helping of chocolate pud at a ­dinner partyor just simply eat larger ­portions every day while stilllosingweight,’ says Zoe.

‘Werealised we needed to design a weight loss plan which allowed more roomfor real life, so that unplanned events — like being offered a slice ofbirthday cake in the office – don’t derail your achievements,’ explains­dietician Zoe.

‘WeightWatchers members who have tested the ProPoints system describe it as a“safety net”, as it enables them to get back on track if things don’tgo to plan without feeling totally demoralised.’

Anothermajor difference from the old system is that all fruit and mostvegetables — whether fresh, frozen or canned in natural juices thendrained — have been given a zero rating, meaning you can snack on themwhenever you want without adding extra ProPoints.

The scheme specifically sets out to encourage people to eat more fruit and veg, partly because they contain fibre so help to keep us ­feeling satisfied for longer, but alsobecause the body burns a lot ofenergy processing the fibre andthe many vitamins and ­antioxidants they contain are good for our health.


You don’t have to put your life on hold just because you are on a diet — you can still enjoy plenty of treats using your weekly budget of 49 points.

You could, for example, have a medium glass of wine each night for an extra 4 ProPoints, or a medium serving of bread-and-butter pudding for 5.


Or how about a small bag of roasted peanuts for 8?

Alternatively, you could save them all up for a night out in a fancy restaurant and not worry about ­having to hold back at all.

If you eat out regularly, but still want to keep some of your weekly ProPoints in reserve, there are ­several tricks you can use to help you enjoy the ­occasion, while staying in control of your eating.

You could have a piece of fruit before you leave the house to prevent you from reaching for the bread and olives once you sit down at the table.

Or start your meal with a non-creamy soup or a salad — these usually have very few ProPoints and are a good way to fill up, too.

If you find you have exceeded your treat budget, just do some ­exercise — walking, cycling or swimming for instance — to earn some of them back and redress the balance.

Sue Tinley says: ‘I had gradually been putting on weight over the years after having four children and cooking family meals. It had got to the point where I didn’t feel good about myself or liked the way I looked.

‘All my clothes were black — I just bought stuff to cover me up.

‘I managed to lose 2st about ten years ago and keep it off for a while, but then it just crept back on again. At my heaviest I weighed 13st 13lb, which was more than I’d weighed when I was nine months pregnant.


‘Then I got the chance to test the WeightWatchers diet. I’ve learned to treat myself and still keep to my plan. I’ve lost 25lb and still have half a stone to go to get to my ­target weight of under 11st, but I feel confident I’ll get there by Christmas.’

‘I’m really surprised at how easy it has been for me to lose weight. The plan encourages you to eat healthy, filling food — things I wanted to eat.

‘I particularly like the fact that fruit and vegetables are points-free because I love both of them.

‘I also liked that I could have meals with other people and they wouldn’t have any idea I was on a diet.

‘My favourite pudding is a meringue nest (1 ProPoint) with a tablespoon of low-fat Greek yoghurt (2) and some frozen fruits of the forest (free), which is delicious and only takes up 3 ProPoints.’

ProPoints’ greater emphasis on healthy eating proved a clincher for Gillian Rea, 47, a British Airways crew co-ordinator who lives in Crowthorne, Berkshire, with her husband, Tony, a 57-year old financial adviser.

She had previously lost weight on the old Weight Watchers scheme after she ballooned from 9st 8lb to 12st following the birth of her daughter, nine years ago.

Today she’s a trim size ten, having lost a remarkable 32lb in 15 weeks, thanks to the ProPoints system.‘The old WeightWatchers scheme didn’t really reward healthy eating, it just tracked calorie values,’ saysGillian.

‘For instance, a banana and a Curly Wurly had roughly the same Points value — so instead of eating healthily, I would just eat what I preferred: the Curly Wurly.


‘But now that fruit is free, I eat it all the time, as does my daughter.

Gillian, who is 5ft 6in tall, got down to 10st when Charlotte was a baby, but the weight crept back on. Finally, by June 2010, it had edged up to 11st 4lb and she knew it was time to act.

‘I lost 5lb in the first week, which I couldn’t believe given the amount of food I was eating.’

‘I was full after every meal and I didn’t actually use the weekly extra ProPoints allowance much because I didn’t need it. But it was comforting to know it was there.

‘I ended up weighing 9st after three and a half months on the diet. I haven’t weighed that since I was in my 20s, and I’ve maintained that now for a month. I’ll be in better shape when I turn 50 than I was at 35!’

So, what are you waiting for? ­Simply read on to discover a typical 29 ProPoints-a-day meal planner (above) and follow the A-Z (right) setting out the ProPoints value of everyday foods, and you’ll be on your way to a lighter, healthier you in no time at all.


ProPointsallowances are calculated by WeightWatchers, taking into considerationyour age, sex, height and weight.

The exact formula is a closelyguarded secret, but a typical woman could receive a daily ProPointsbudget of 29 (it’s 46 for a typical man), which must be used that dayand cannot be carried over. On top of that, everyone receives a weeklyallowance of 49 extra ProPoints to use entirely flexibly — but not tobe exceeded — throughout the week.


You can also earn extra ProPoints byexercising. For instance, 60 minutes of moderate activity such as briskwalking each day will earn you around an extra 4 ProPoints every day.

All whole fruit and most vegetables(fresh, frozen or canned in unsweetened juices and drained) have a zerorating, unless otherwise specified below. All readings are forunbranded, basic foods.

  • Anchovies, 1 small can, 45g: 2 ProPoints
  • Apple juice, 1 glass 100ml: 1
  • Apricots, dried, 50g: 2
  • Avocado, ½ a medium 78g one: 4
  • Bacon, 1 lean rasher: 1, 1 rasher, streaky: 2
  • Bagel, plain 80g: 6
  • Barbecue sauce, 2tbsp: 1
  • Beans (butter, black-eyed, borlotti, broad, cannellini, flageolet, haricot, kidney, soya), cooked or canned, 1 heaped tbsp: 1
  • Beef, braising steak, 100g: 3 burger, 1 standard 56g: 4 mince, 140g: 8 roast, 1 medium slice: 3
  • Beer: bitter, ½ pint: 3, 1 bottle, 330 ml: 4
  • Biscuit, 1 chocolate digestive: 2
  • Bran flakes, 1 medium bowl, 30g: 3
  • Brazil nuts (two): 1
  • Bread: 1 slice wholemeal/white, granary: 2, ½ baguette: 10
  • Butter: 2 tsp: 2 half-fat, 2 tsp: 1
  • Cheese: Camembert/goats/mozzarella 40g: 3 Cheddar, 40g: 5 Cream, full-fat,/marscapone 40g: 5
  • Chick peas, 1 heaped tbsp: 1
  • Chicken: breast, 1 raw skinless, 165g: 4 drumstick, 1 raw skinless, 160: 1 roast, 1 medium slice: 1
  • Cider, ½ pint, dry or sweet: 4
  • Cod, 1 raw medium fillet, 90g: 2
  • Coffee: 0
  • Cola: regular, 330ml can: 4 diet: 0
  • Coleslaw: 1 tbsp: 3 reduced-calorie, 1 tbsp: 1
  • Cooking spray, low-fat four sprays: 1
  • Cornflakes, 1 medium bowl 30g: 3
  • Couscous, 1 portion cooked 150g: 4
  • Cranberry juice, 1 glass 100ml: 2
  • Cream: double, 1 tbsp: 2 half-fat/single 1 tbsp: 1
  • Crème fraiche: 1 tbsp: 3 half-fat, 1 tbsp: 1
  • Custard: 1 small pot 150g: 4 low-fat, 1 small pot, 150g: 3
  • Doughnut, 1 jam or ring: 6
  • Dover sole, 250g: 5
  • Drinking chocolate, 1 tbsp: 2
  • Eccles cake: 5
  • Egg: 1 medium: 2
  • Egg custard tart: 6
  • Fig, dried, 22g: 1
  • Fish finger, grilled: 2
  • Flour, wheat (any type), 1 level tbsp: 2
  • Fromage frais: low fat fruit 125g: 3
  • Fruit cake, 1 slice 60g: 6
  • Fruit squash, sugar-free: 0
  • Gammon steak, 170g: 6
  • Grapefruit juice, 100ml glass: 1
  • Guinness, ½ pint: 3
  • Haddock fillet, 120g: 2
  • Halibut fillet, 120g: 3
  • Ham, Parma, 2 thin slices: 2
  • Hazelnuts, 10: 2
  • Ice cream, low-fat,1 scoop: 2
  • Jaffa cake: 1
  • Jam: 1 heaped tsp: 1
  • Jelly, ready-to-eat 125g pot: 3
  • Kipper, 150g: 9
  • Lager: 1 bottle 330ml or ½ pint: 3
  • Lamb: lean leg steak, 100g: 5 chump chop, 130g: 8 roast, 1 lean 30g slice: 2
  • Lasagne sheet: 2
  • Lemon sole, 170g fillet: 3
  • Mackerel: 150g fillet: 9 smoked: 14
  • Margarine, any sort, 1 tsp: 1
  • Marmalade: 2 heaped tsp: 3 reduced-sugar, 2 heaped tsp: 2
  • Mayonnaise: 1 tbsp: 3 low-fat 1 tbsp: 1
  • Milk: semi-skimmed, 284ml/½ pt: 4 skimmed: 3 whole: 5 soya, unsweetened: 2
  • Muesli, medium 50g bowl: 5
  • Mushrooms, creamed 213g can: 5
  • Noodles: egg, 150g: 3
  • Nut cutlet, 1 medium 87g: 8
  • Oatcake: 2
  • Oats, 30g dry: 3
  • Oil, (olive, sesame, sunflower or vegetable) 1 tsp: 1
  • Orange juice, unsweetened, 100ml glass: 1
  • Parsnip, 90g:2
  • Passata: 0
  • Pasta, white, 150g: 4 wholemeal, 150g: 5
  • Peanut butter, 15g: 3
  • Peas (fresh, frozen or canned) 1 heaped tbsp: 1
  • Pesto sauce, 1 tbsp: 2
  • Popcorn, air-popped 25g: 4
  • Pork: roast, 1 lean 35g slice: 2 mince, raw weight 140g: 6
  • Potato salad, 1 tbsp: 2
  • Potatoes: baked, pre-cooked weight 150g: 3 boiled, 150g: 3 mashed, 120g: 2 roasted in lard or oil, 100g: 4 sweet, 150g: 4
  • Prawns, king, cooked weight 100g: 3
  • Quinoa, dried 100g: 9
  • Quorn: burger 50g: 2
  • Raisins, 1 heaped tbsp: 2
  • Rice pudding, ½ 215g can: 5
  • Rice: brown, boiled, 150g: 6 white, easy-cook, 150g: 6
  • Salad cream light, 20g: 1
  • Salami, thin slice: 1
  • Salmon, tinned pink, 106g: 4 fillet, raw weight 130g: 6
  • Sardines: in brine, 120g: 5 in oil, drained 120g: 7
  • Sausage, pork, 40g: 3 reduced-fat pork, 40g: 2
  • Scampi, in breadcrumbs, 100g: 7
  • Taco shell, medium: 2
  • Taramasalata, 1 tbsp: 4
  • Tofu, regular or smoked, 50g: 1
  • Tomato juice, 100ml glass: 0
  • Tonic water, 250ml: 2
  • Tuna: in brine/spring water, 70g: 2 Medium steak, 140g: 5
  • Turkey: mince, 140g: 5 roasted, 2 medium slices (no skin): 2
  • Vanilla extract, 1 tbsp: 1
  • Venison, haunch meat, 120g: 3
  • Wine: red/rose/dry white, 175ml glass: 4
  • Xylitol (artificial sweetener): 0
  • Yoghurt: Greek, plain 150g: 5 Soya, plain, 150g: 3 low-fat plain, 150g: 2
  • Yorkshire pudding: 1
  • Zest (lemon, lime, orange): 0
  • Zucchini fritters, 100g: 5

WeightWatchers’ ProPoints plan launches nationwide this Sunday. For details, visit weightwatchers.co.uk

WeightWatchers is a byword for dieting success - so why, this week, has it completely changed its approach? (2024)
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